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Nest Tech System Sdn Bhd specializes in researching and developing new swiftlet farming equipment. Our headquarter is situated at Taman Desa Jaya, Johor Bahru (JB). We had set up thousands of swiftlet farming houses and applied high technology auto-monitoring equipment on it. If you have any questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.




2022年 第21届燕屋设计营 Swiftlet House Design Seminar

29 Dec
地点位于: 新山 Johor Bahru 时间&日期: 2-3 March 2022 💥培训目的💥 👉<>👉 [...]

2022年 第58届燕窝鉴别与加工技术创业班 Bird Nest Identification & Processing Technique Workshop

29 Dec
地点位于: 新山 Johor Bahru 时间&日期: 4-6 March 2022 🤙此燕窝课程适合哪几种人🤙 ⭕⭕ [...]

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